Hanukkah Lego Adventure

Let’s bring together two of our favorite things, Hanukkah and Lego!  Together, we will explore the happiness of Hanukkah as we retell the story of Hanukkah through Lego, build a dreidel, and a create an awesome menorah.  Bring your Legos and get ready to build, build, and build some more. We will share our creations online with each other, and even play a virtual game of dreidel

birthday-cake 7 - 10 year olds
users 5 - 15 learners per meeting
clock-o 45 min per meeting
calendar See course information for further details
Are you interested in this class?
Let us know and a member of the Truvie team will contact you.

Course Details

Supply List

Please come with 100-200 Lego bricks of different sizes, shapes, and colors.


Jonathan Fass
Jonathan Fass
Jonathan has always loved Lego and technology! He is currently the Senior Managing Director of Educational Technology and Strategy for The Jewish Education Project. In his free time, he enjoys building things (in-person and online) that make Judaism a joyful, meaningful experience. He lives in Connecticut with his cat Taco and his bird Buddy.