Minecraft Judaism - Fall Holidays
Join Lost Tribe's instructors in fun, educational, and experiential learning in Minecraft to celebrate the High Holidays! We'll create, collaborate and compete while learning about Rosh Chodesh, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah. Appropriate for players ages 8-12; beginner-level Minecraft experience required.
When you enroll in two Truvie fall-semester classes, you'll get a third one for FREE.
Use code Fall2023 to get your discount at checkout.

Course Details
· Rosh Chodesh - Players will learn about Rosh Chodesh through interactive STEM activities that help them visualize the Hebrew calendar and its uniqueness relative to the Gregorian calendar. They will then put their knowledge to the test in order to understand the meaning of Rosh Chodesh and its application in their own lives.
· Rosh Hashanah - Players work together in a team relay race to overcome sweet-themed obstacles and learn about and participate in the Jewish ritual of Tashlich by tossing Minecraft bread into a virtual river.
· Yom Kippur - Players will learn about the purposes and practices of Yom Kippur, and build a greater understanding of the concept of forgiveness through a series of challenging scenarios.
· Sukkot - Players learn about this harvest festival by building their own Sukkah in Minecraft. They’ll then “sukkah hop” to see each others’ creations, shake (a Minecraft) lulav and etrog, and hear the prayers we say as part of these traditions.
· Simchat Torah - Players will explore the first parsha and learn about Simchat Torah through solving riddles and completing puzzles. Then, groups will celebrate the beginning of a new Torah reading with dancing in a synagogue and completing various challenges.
You can use a computer, tablet, Chromebook, or mobile device, (not a console e.g. switch, xbox). Each child will need headphones if they will be participating in a room with other kids to avoid feedback. Create a Microsoft account and download Minecraft (if you have not already done so), purchase the license ($30 USD for Java, varies for Mobile). Minecraft can be downloaded from the Google Play Store, Apple App Store or minecraft.net. Must have Java or Bedrock. Education Edition will not work.

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