I Was There at Creation!
We are about to celebrate the birthday of the world on Rosh HaShanah. Can you imagine what it might have been like when everything was new? What it might have been like when the first Fennec Fox met the first Hoopoe Bird and they both went to visit the first dolphin right at the edge of the water? You know, the water that became the water below when it was separated from the water above? Together, we will get to know the text from the very, very beginning of our Torah and right away we will imagine ourselves IN the story.

Course Details
We are about to celebrate the birthday of the world on Rosh HaShanah. Can you imagine what it might have been like when everything was new? What it might have been like when the first Fennec Fox met the first Hoopoe Bird and they both went to visit the first dolphin right at the edge of the water? You know, the water that became the water below when it was separated from the water above?
Together, we will get to know the text from the very, very beginning of our Torah and right away we will imagine ourselves IN the story. Were you a marble polecat? A camel? A desert horned viper? Maybe you were the water?
You don’t need to know any Hebrew for this class, but if you do know some Hebrew, you’ll have opportunities to use it!
Class 1: Get to know the story at the very, very beginning of our Torah! We will start to imagine ourselves IN the story.
Class 2: After refreshing our memory about the story in the Torah, we will get to work writing ourselves into it.
Class 3: We will polish up our stories, add illustrations, and compile them into a digital book to share with one another.
Plain paper and markers/crayons/colored pencils.
It will be very helpful if a grown-up can take a picture of the student’s illustration and send it to the teacher to include in the digital book.
Optional Supply: A favorite stuffed animal.

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